Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Terrible Beauty

The last few weeks have served as a reminder for me to be grateful for my families safety. Fire is a such an uncontrollable force, it has a mind of it's own and it takes what it wants. The smoke here has finally started to dissipate as the flames have been forced into submission, but the memory of lost homes and forests will remain for a while longer.
Amidst all this tragedy the sun reminded me that there is beauty to be found in all things. I found that something can be beautiful and terrible at the same moment.
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Sorry to those of you that visited me on Saturday.  I reused the same theme.  I didn't get out much this week.  Happy Ruby Tuesday!


storyteller said...

Thanks for visiting me at Small Reflections leaving the link back here. These images are amazing and your post resonates with me as a native Southern California gal. Well done! Happy Ruby Tuesday to YOU too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

That is one screaming gorgeous Sun! I like the slide show too!

Janae S said...

Heidi, these pictures are amazing!

Stephanie V said...

Great photos! Red is a powerful force.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful sun photo. It does remind us to be thankful for what we do have.

kayerj said...

you caught that sun at just the right moment! Was that one on Wednesday? I tried to get it but I was a little late and it set as I was driving out to my moms.

Becca said...

We have had a ton of fires here recently also, and the sky always looks insane! Nice pic :)

Dianne said...

terrible beauty is a poetic way to describe it
amazing photo

Mamí♥Picture said...

☼¨`*•.♥Awesome shots!♥.•*¨`☼
Thanks for sharing!
Have a Lovely♥Day!
To view my Ruby Tuesday you can visit my kiddos blog @
See ya!☺!

Ralph said...

It is a shame that the brilliant red hue is the result of flaming embers, seemingly ready to consume the entire area. I hope that these are caontained.

Robin said...

Incredible pictures of nature's terrible beauty. Thank goodness the worst is over. My heart goes out to those who lost everything.

Anonymous said...

an amazing pic..reminds me of our tragic fires last summer in Aus!

Pamela K H said...

That's the spirit Heidi! We don't always understand why nature behaves as it does, but we can always marvel in its beauty. What a beautiful side show. Very well done. Thank you so much for your RT entry.

Annie Jeffries said...

Terrifying and awe-inspiring at the same time. Very glad you are safe.

Ayie said...

nicely captured! I'm just glad you're ok and not affected by the wildfire. Is this the same one in LA?

Unknown said...

Amazing color! It's such a shame that it comes from so much damage and danger.