There it was, begging to be climbed and mastered. All three girls looked at each other, then at the
pile hill and accepted the challenge that it held. As one they took off at a dead run, IS reached it first and dug her hands in creating little avalanches as she scrambled up to the top, victorious! Yes, King of the Hill!!!!
On her toes ran her older sister KN who very quickly joined her sister in a victory dance at the top of the hill.
Not to be out done the little one tried with all her might to reach the top and share in the victory dance with her older siblings, but alas the fine sand had fallen so much that she just couldn't dig her feet in So, using her hands she tried again to scale the side, only to fall on her face in the dirt.
She called for mom to come and help, but mom was too busy snapping pictures to come immediately, so she climbed on hands and knees all the way up, covering her pants, shirt and hands with dirt. Reaching the top she turned, dusted off her hands and cheered in triumph!
"Um, Heidi," Mom hears her sister say from behind her. "I don't think they should be playing in that. That's sludge from the sewage plant."

Hosted by Cecily and Kelli
Oh no, sludge from the sewage plant?? If it were really germy, it would smell right? So they were probably OK...
Uh Oh! Climbing is fun, but it's time to get down off the pile/hill, now, especially if it's from the sewage plant!
They're awesome, including that sky, & deserved the snaps to capture these beloved moments. And, you tell a great story!
Thanks so much for the kind comments you left. I, too, appreciate them very much!
I'm sure it will help them grow--it does wonders for the garden spot. fun post :)
Oh that's disgusting and terribly funny at the same time. I love that last shot, you have no idea the size of the hill with it.
You always bring a smile to my face. What a fun neighbor you would be.
Ewww...hahaha! That's funny!
Oh no! Hey it's dry so I'm sure it was ok to play in. :)
Happy PSF!
So, let me guess...bathtime?
Oh! Oh! Yuk! The photos are cute but I hope you bathed them and scrubbed them thoroughly after that!
ew ew ew!!!! how many baths and/or hot showers did it take to erase the thought and smell of that adventure?? ugh!
Thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed the pics of the pumpkins!
AHHHH! I bet they took an extra long bath that night. :P
I loved king of the hill when I was a kid. In winter certain parking lots would get snow piled up by the snow plow to amazing heights. Those were the best hills to lord it over.
Such a victory! =) Climbing is fun, but..uh oh!!! Time to come back down, girls!!
Thanks for visiting my blog, Heidy. =) and just to sooth your curiousity, was cancer..a stage 4 ovarian cancer. I'll write more about the experience next week on my blog. Come back if you are curious enough..hehe..Thanks again, and happy saturday sharefest!! =)
Oh my goodness! Well, at least they seemed to be having fun!
Oh ew! Sweet victory nonetheless though!
Thanks for stopping by my site! Love the picture of the chocolate cake. I'm a chocoholic. You've got some great photos. I'll stop back.
That's hilarious!!! And that would've been just my luck as a kid!
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! for real?! gag!
They do look quite pleased with themselves.
Bahahahaha! I'm sorry - I was all into the post..had that champion music playing in my mind and then I read the last part. LOL Blech.
This story made me laugh. I love how that looks like a hill to the girls!! And the ending was priceless!! You have quite the way with words and I really enjoyed reading this post. I found your blog through your mom's site today!! I'm a big fan of Kaye's!
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